Saur Energy Magazine Exclusive

Rooftop Solar Onsite Testing: Harnessing the Potential of Solar

With over 10 GW of installed capacity, India is on the verge of becoming one of the fastest growing nations in terms of PV installation. It is worth mentioning the exponential growth of the market during the last few months. The almost exponential increase of global solar PV installations in the recent two decades have […]

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Alright! It gave mostly new narratives to apprehend the ‘Solar’ relation between India and China.The then thought China’s shabby rural-oriented solar program in the 1990s today throws an incremental progression amid the western economic powers. What can be more assertive to say that China is today global leader has divulged as the world’s largest renewable […]

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Solar Panel Lamination: Procedure, Advantages and Future

Solar panel lamination ensures the longevity of the solar cells of a module as they need to be able to withstand outdoor exposure in all types of climate for periods of 25 years and more Solar panel lamination ensures the longevity of the solar cells of a module as they need to be able to […]

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A Vision for a Greener Tomorrow

The RVCE solar car team envisions building indigenous, efficient solar car incorporating state-of-the-art technologies for a greener tomorrow As the talks about the energy crisis increasingly tops the news, the focus of energy shifts more and more towards greener and sustainable technologies. Globally, the major consumers of energy are the industrial sector and the transportation […]

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Submitting Forecast & Schedule of Solar Power generation : Communication with SLDC

A forecast model of solar power generation can be viewed as probabilistic evolution to generate different plausible patterns considering the unscheduled fluctuations The demand of energy has multiplied manifold due to socio-economic development and this demand can be no longer satisfied by the traditional energy technology using local resources only. Hence the renewable energy is […]

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As the world moves towards the sustainable development, India looks to optimize its energy mix with minimum carbon footprints. India is in the midst of a momentous leap in terms of the proposed use of solar power as part of its overall renewable energy mix. India with its 100GW of solar energy target by 2022 is […]

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INDIA SOLAR CONFERENCE : Settled Futuristic Trend For Solar Industry

The torch of India Solar Conference, April 6-7, BIEC, Bangalore was lit to define a new scale of congregation for the Indian solar industry. The two-day charismatic conference laid the foundation for the prominent veterans of the solar industry. With more than 200 attendees in two-days, the India Solar Conference put the shades off from […]

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Secret to Turn 40GW

Government of India has rightly made rooftop solar power one of its top clean energy priorities. In 2014, the government revised the national solar installation target from 22 GW to an aggressive 100 GW by 2022 which is helping the country to become one of the world’s fastest-growing solar markets. The 100 GW target was […]

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Solar Mounting Structures: Racking Matters

Globally, solar installations have been growing at an impressive pace. A large share of growth has been contributed from India, and with 100GW of target by 2022 in its hand, India is on the verge of becoming the world’s biggest solar nation. Continuous reduction in the solar system prices with respect to higher grid rates […]

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